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Investigating Un-American Activities

Many public and private organizations lobbied for the investigation and exposure of Nazi and native fascist groups. In 1934, Congress created the McCormick-Dickstein Committee to study the Friends of New Germany. This committee's work resulted in the Alien Registration Act of 1938 which made public an agent's foreign affiliations.

In 1938, Martin Dies, Congressman from Texas, introduced a bill creating the "Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States." The CRC assisted the committee by providing evidence and analysis of propaganda for the investigations.

Group of people at the Anti-Wendel Wilkie Rally
Letter from R. Kunhe to Counter American Legion
Page from America Speaks newspaper
Report cover for Subversive Activities in America First Committee
Report cover for 'Since Dec. 7' : Enemy Propaganda
Booklet cover for Investigate Martin Dies!
Newspaper page showing a congressman
Booklet titled War in the Mails
Book cover for Red Fascism
Bill titled HR 10577
Bill titled HR 7546
Bill titled HR 9977
Bill titled HR 10289
Photograph of Martin Dies, Jr.
Report cover titled Open Session
Sticker of Elect Senator Jack B. Tenney
Telegram from Western Union by Martin Dies to Leon Lewis
Flier titled German Americans!